
high-powered learning environments

learning: children

the following list outlines eight keys to a high-powered learning environment. the author of these principles (see resource and list details) said they were "designed to not only enhance learning, but make it the profoundly fulfilling and enriching activity it can be."

I like how these principles reflect my own approach to learning with my five year-old daughter.

1) If it's not fun, don't do it.
2) More is learned through play than formal instruction.
3) Familiarity breeds learning.
4) [Beware of child testing.]
5) An environment by itself can be a powerful teacher.
6) Positive parental attitude for a child's learning activities multiply the effects of teaching tools...children do emulate their role models and are motivated by positive reinforcement.
7) Humor along with fantasy and strong imagery is a powerful teaching combination.
8) Tolerance for ambiguity is a gift.

Q: do you find yourself having to unlearn what you've learned in order to live any of these principles?

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