
your brand

just as a product has a perceived brand over time, so do you. your characteristics, your attitude, your look, your actions, your presence, your attention...it all builds a consistent brand - with or without you knowing it.

Q: is your brand perceived how you want it to be perceived?
today's challenge: you never know how you're perceived unless you ask.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's funny...I once did this excercise in school where the speaker asked us to pick our favorite animal and write down 2 reasons why. Then our second favorite animal and 2 more reasons why. Understand that I am not an animal lover unlike so many others. I was convinced that this was stupid and wouldn't work. At the end of the explanation it ends up that our favorite animal was the one we perceive ourselves to be, or the way we want others to see us. The second favorite animal was the one we actually portrayed and the one that others tended to see. The entire class was shocked at the accurate results. It's interesting to see what others think of us when our ideas about ourselves are usually so different.